D-8_Hidetomo Handa

Hidetomo Handa

Yahoo Japan Corporation

Director & General Manager, Sales

Hidetomo Handa leads the video advertising sales team as supervisor at Marketing Solution Company in Yahoo Japan Corp. since Yahoo Japan launched and committed to the video advertising business in 2014. His career in the video advertising business counts up to nearly ten years since joining GyaO devision at USEN Corp. in 2006. When GyaO devision was acquired by Yahoo Japan from USEN and renewed as GyaO! in 2009, Hidetomo continued to focus on video ad business in Yahoo Japan Group and in 2012, was appointed the board member of GyaO Corp. He started his career at USEN in 2000 and worked for optical fiber broad-band business since 2001. His roles included general branch managers across Japan.